energy to burn | branding . strategy . outreach . marketing . web . media

You've Got Brand Extension: America Online

Throughout the dotcom boom and beyond, AOL enlisted the aide of countless design firms to supply their steady stream of direct mail CD-ROMs.

Woodpile Studios enjoyed a unique partnership with AOL Corporate, who turned to us frequently to produce the exclusive branding and media kits for the product launches of AOL 6.0, AOL 5.0, the AOL Anywhere campaign, the experimental AOL TV, AOL Mobile Communicator, and many others.

These kits typically consisted of custom pocket folders, product overview guidebooks, letterhead inserts, and CD-ROMs; and often included additional item such as mousepads and t-shirts. Media outlets such as NBC’s Today Show were among the first groups to receive such kits.

When designing for various AOL promotions, we always strived to break the mold with conceptual pieces that made a distinct impression—including pocket folders with embedded sound chips, and whimsical CD-ROM artwork.

AOL Branding